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MP1 Thread Package (Due March 30 at 09:00)

This website focuses on details of programming homework. For handwriting part, please download the questions from NTU COOL and submit the answers via Gradescope.

In this programming homework, you’ll try to create a user-level thread package with the help of setjmp and longjmp.

1. Description

In this homework, you need to implement a user-level thread package. The threads explicitly yield when they no longer require CPU time and they won’t be interrupted by any other means. When a thread yields or exits, the next thread should run. To choose the next thread to run, simply keep the threads in a circular linked list and pick the next one.

You’ll need to implement the following functions:

The following functions has been implemented for you:

Each threads should be represented by a struct thread which at least contains a function pointer to the thread’s function and a pointer of type void * as the function parameters. The function of the thread will take the void * as it’s argument when executed. The struct should contain a pointer to its stack and a jmp_buf to store it’s current state when thread_yield is called.

It should be enough to use only setjmp and longjmp to save and restore the context of a thread.

  1. struct thread *thread_create(void (*f)(void *), void *arg)


    • a funtion pointer *thread_create(void (*f)(void *)
    • arguments of the function void* arg


    • new thread struct thread

    This function should create a new thread and allocate the space in stack to the thread.

    Note, if you would like to allocate a new stack for the thread, it is important that the address of the stack pointer should be divisable by 8.1 The function returns the initialized structure. If you want to use your own template for creating thread, make sure it works for the provided test case.

  2. void thread_add_runqueue(struct thread *t)


    • a thread pointer struct thread *t


    • None

    This function adds an initialized struct thread to the runqueue. To implement the scheduling functionality, you’ll need to maintain a circular linked list of struct thread. You should implement that by maintaining the next and previous field in struct thread which always points to the next to-be-executed thread and the previously executed thread respectively. You should also maintain the static variable struct thread *current_thread that always points to the currently executed thread. Note: Please insert the new thread at the end of the runqueue, i.e. the newly inserted thread should be current_thread->previous.

  3. void thread_yield(void)


    • None


    • None

    This function suspends the current thread by saving its context to the jmp_buf in struct thread using setjmp.2 The setjmp in xv6 is provided to you, you only need to add #include "user/setjmp.h" to your code. After saving the context, you should call schedule function to determine which thread to run next and then call dispatch to execute the new thread. If the thread is resumed later, thread_yield should return to the calling place in the function.

  4. void thread_exit(void)


    • None


    • None

    This function removes the calling thread from the runqueue, frees its stack and the struct thread, updates the current_thread variable with the next to-be-executed thread in the runqueue and calls dispatch.

    Furthermore, think about what happens when the last thread exits (should return to main by some means).

  5. void schedule(void)


    • None


    • None

    This function will decide which thread to run next. It is actually trivial, since you will just run the next thread in the circular linked list of threads. You can simply change current_thread to the next field of current_thread.

  6. void dispatch(void)


    • None


    • None

    This function will execute a thread, decided by schedule.

    In case the thread has never run before, you may need to do some initialization such as moving the stack pointer sp to the allocated stack of the thread. The stack pointer sp could be accessed and modified using setjmp and longjmp. Please take a look at setjmp.h to understand where the sp is stored in jmp_buf. If the thread was executed before, restoring the context with longjmp is enough.

    In case the thread’s function just returns, the thread needs to be removed from the runqueue and the next one has to be dispatched. The easiest way to do this is calling thread_exit.

  7. void thread_start_threading(void)


    • None


    • None

    This function will initialize the threading by calling schedule and dispatch. This function will be called by the main function after the first thread is added to the runqueue. It should return only if all threads exit.

The skeleton of threads.c is provided to you. Please complete the functions in threads.c.

2. Environment setup

  1. Clone the repo from Github Classroom
  2. Pull docker image from Docker Hub

     $ docker pull ntuos/mp1
  3. Enter the repo and you will see a folder named xv6-riscv, then run the following command to mount the xv6-riscv folder to docker container.
    $ docker run -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -it -v $(pwd)/xv6-riscv:/home/ ntuos/mp1 bash  

    After entering the container, you may find your user name in container be “I have no name!” or others.
    Please ignore this issue, this doesn’t affect your programming task.
    For windows users, please open docker desktop and run the command in WSL

You will use the skeleton of threads.h and threads.c provided in xv6-riscv/user folder.

Make sure you are familiar with the concept of stack frame and stack pointer taught in System Programming. It is also recommended to checkout the appendix given.

3. Before Compiling

Uncomment line 145-147 in Makefile to compile mp1.c and threads.c

4. Sample Execution

We provide you a public test casemp1.c to test out your thread package. It includes a main function and some thread functions.

For grading, we will be using other 3 sets of private test cases. It is recommended to add extra cases to ensure the correctness of your programs.

The output of mp1.c should look like the following:

$ make qemu
init: starting sh
$ mp1
thread 1: 100
thread 2: 0
thread 3: 10000
thread 1: 101
thread 2: 1
thread 3: 10001
thread 1: 102
thread 2: 2
thread 3: 10002
thread 1: 103
thread 2: 3
thread 3: 10003
thread 1: 104
thread 2: 4
thread 3: 10004
thread 1: 105
thread 2: 5
thread 1: 106
thread 2: 6
thread 1: 107
thread 2: 7
thread 1: 108
thread 2: 8
thread 1: 109
thread 2: 9


5. Grading

6. Submission


Push your xv6-riscv source code to GitHub. Never push any other files we do not request, such as .o, .d, .asm files. You can run make clean in container before you push. Make sure your xv6-riscv can be compiled and the thread package files, i.e., threads.c and threads.h are included.

└── xv6-riscv
    ├── user
    │   ├── threads.c
    │   ├── threads.h   
    │   └── ...
    ├── Makefile
    └── ...

[Update 3/18] You can create new files in your repo, and your grade won’t be affected. Just make sure to include thread.c and thread.h


7. Appendix

Here are some references that might come in handy.

Function Pointer (Must know)

Function Pointer - Wiki.

Call Stack

Call Stack - Wiki.

x86_64 inline assembly (gcc)

Asm Documentation.

8. Debugging

It is recommended to first use gdb (with enhancement such as gdb-gef) to debug the program on x86 machine.

9. Footnote

  1. The reason why we need the address of the stack pointer to be divisable by 8 is the architecture of xv6 is rv64 (RISC V 64 bits). The 64-bit architecture has a memory layout aligned by 8 bytes. 

  2. setjmp sets up the local jmp_buf buffer and initializes it for the jump. This routine saves the program’s calling environment in the environment buffer specified by the env argument for later use by longjmp. If the return is from a direct invocation, setjmp returns 0. If the return is from a call to longjmp, setjmp returns a nonzero value. Wiki-setjmp.h